
Today the #write28days community is linking up with the #fiveminutefriday community. We are given a word prompt and write for just five minutes. No perfection here, just words flowing freely from my heart to yours.

I love getting up in the morning with the sunrise. It’s like a smile from God to remind me that I’ve been blessed with another day.

About a week ago we had stormy weather here in California, more than normal. The winds were howling and it was just dark and dreary for about a week. For someone who suffers from mild depression which is exasperated when there is no sunlight, I wasn’t handling life too well that week. Work was hard to get through as I could feel a weight settling in upon me.

But the sun eventually came out and on that morning as God smiled his warmth upon me with the sunrise breaking through the darkness, I was reminded that even when we are going through struggles and the days seem dark and dreary, there is a sunrise just around the corner. It may not always look like a physical sunrise. It could be the smile on your child’s face as he tells you he loves you. It could be the call that comes for the husband who has been waiting for work. It could be the message from the doctor that says the report is clear. It could be the hope that you are clinging too now despite your challenges.

Today may you be blessed with the warmth of the sun upon your face and reminded that no matter what you are going through, God’s grace is shining upon you.

14 thoughts on “Sunrise

  1. Carrie Ann Golden

    I live in the Red River Valley of North Dakota, and there are times where we can easily go several days without any sun. I love sunrises, and usually try to get up early enough each morning to catch a glimpse. It is amazing as to how much it affects me whenever I see one, and you’ve captured that feeling quite nicely here.


  2. Gayl

    Beautiful, Barbie. Even when we don’t see the actual sunrise, we can see a smile or hear of good news or any number of things that lift our spirits, just like the sunrise at the beginning of day. Blessings to you!


  3. Lisa Blair

    Thanks for the encouragement, Barbie! I appreciate your blessing upon us, “Today may you be blessed with the warmth of the sun upon your face and reminded that no matter what you are going through, God’s grace is shining upon you.”


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